Welcome to Midbrow

The latest in streaming content

We all love watching hit shows, but have you ever thought about learning while you stream?

Original content has given us midbrow TV: wildly entertaining content that touches on important social topics.

Read on to learn just what important issues your favorite shows are covering. Impress your friends and family, or use it as an excuse to get back to binging!

*Chef’s Kiss*

Bon Appetit’s Youtube channel has set the new standard for how media companies need to brand themselves. Here, try it. I want you to know that I can accept zero criticism right now – Claire Saffitz If 10 years ago I asked you to name the first chefs you can think of, you’d probably have…

Netflix And Chill Out

Netflix’s Big Mouth and Sex Education are doing more for students than most schools are, and that’s a problem. I think I have a problem. My body has complete control over me. – Otis Milburn Sex.  Depending on your upbringing, or just your general life experiences, that word may make you cringe. Or it may…

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